The Lafayette Daily Courier
September, 1876
Monday September 11, 1876
Omnibus for Purdue University
An omnibus for the conveyance of students to the University will leave the Ninth Street M.E. Church on Tuesday morning
at 8:15, the corner of Ninth and Main streets at 8:20. Mr Kimmel's book store at 8:25, and the Bridge at 8:30. There will
be but one session on Tuesday, and the omnibus will leave the University, on the return trip, at 12:15. After Tuesday it will leave
the University at 3:45, soon after the close of the session. Over twelve students have already applied for regular conveyance, the fare
will not exceed seventy-five cents a week. When sixteen students engage regular conveyance, the charge will only be fifty cents a week.
Students wishing to engage regular conveyance to the University, can hand their name and residence to the driver of the omnibus on Tuesday,
or they can apply to Mr George Seeger, who will make collection a monthly or oftner, as agreed upon.
There will be two sessions of the University Academy, from 8:45 to 12, and from 1:30 to 3:30. The term will open Tuesday morning at 8:45
--E.E. White
Wednesday September 13, 1876
Death of Hon. John Purdue
It is our painful duty to announce the death of Hon. John Purdue. He was found dead in his room at the Hygenic Institute in the southeast part of the city,
at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He had evidently been stricken with apoplexy. He had not been well for some months. One of two attack of vertigo and
nervous chills had given him some concern, and hoping to improve his condition he had removed from his furnished apartments at the Lahr House, where he had
made his home, to the Hygenic Institute. He took his library and was comfortably quartered. Careful diet, medicated baths and undisturbed rest had visibly
improved his condition. He slept like a babe and until within a few weeks past, when financial complications growing out of his unfortunate connection with the L., M. & B. railroad
began to prey upon his mind, was evidently improving. Yesterday was the formal opening of the Purdue University under new and flattering auspices. It was a proud day for the good
old man. He was feeling quite well and shaking off the burden of his cares, visited the University, chatting pleasantly with the Professors and the students. He inspected the progress
of the work of the new college structure, and, after a walk through the grounds, drove to the Lahr House. He sat down in the public room awhile, and complaining of chilling sensations,
Mr. Weakly, who has watched over him and waited on him tenderly for years, induced him to lie down for a little rest. He was evidently in "a nervous chill." A fire was made and with
proper applications he became quite comfortable, and asked for an oyster stew which was prpeared for him. He ate heartily, and Mr. Weakly left him for awhile, thinking he might go to sleep.
He returned in half an hour to find him gone. He had dressed, and coming down stairs seated himself on the balcony, when his nephew, Mr. Park, drove up with a buggy. Mr. Purdue got in and drove
to the Hygenic Institute. He took a plain couple tea with the family, chatted a few moments, took a little walk among the flowers in front and went
to his room. Scarce a minute had elapsed when some of the attendants, who seem to have been very kind and considerate, came to see if there was anything he needed, when, to their consternation,
Mr. Purdue was found lying face downward on the floor just inside the door. To turn him over was the work of an instant, but beyond a feeble gasp, or the death rattle in the throat, he gave no sign. He was dead.
A horse was mounted in hot haste and a messenger dispatched to the city. O.K. Weakly, Mr. John G. Sample and other cherished friends were brought quickly, and allthat medical art could do was on hand, but the
spirit had departed. It was thus he died. The arrangements for the funeral honors are elsewhere detailed in the Courier this afternoon.
No citizen of Lafayette was so widely known. From his early manhood until his death he had been prominently and honorably identified with the best interest of the city. He cherished an honest pride in Lafayette.
He built the Purdue Block of ten storerooms, occupying the entire frontage of a square, and in later years built the Agricultrual Works on Sourth Third Street--the most complete and most extensive works of the kind
in the country. But his enduring monument is Purdue University, to which he donated $150,000 payable in a term of years. More than half of this donation has been paid out, and not long since in view of possible pecuniary
embarrassment growing out of the railroad matter he voluntarily and on his own motion secured the remainder by a mortgage on his Warren county farm. This act may stand as the crowning glory of his life. His high sense of
honor could not bear the thought of any failure in the full payment of his donation.
Mr. Purdue was a bachelor. He was seventy-four years of age. He was an only son, but had nine sisters, some of whom survive him. His great-hearted generosity is indicated in the fact that he has long since made liberal provisions
for all his surviving sisters and their children. Two grand nephews, Thomas and Samuel Parks, have been with him for a year or more at Lafayette. He made no will--at least his attorneys have no knowledge of any. Mr. Purdue had the
advantage of a fair English education and after the removal of his parents from Pennslyvania to Ross County, Ohio, taught school. Moses Fowler was one of his scholars. Visiting Lafayette in 1837, he removed permanently in 1839 and
associated himself in the mercantile line with Moses Fowler. Subsequently he established the dry goods house of Purdue, Stacy & Co., afterward Purdue, Brown & Co., Dodge, Curtis & Earl, and now Curtis & Fowler. In 1855 Mr. Purdue embarked
in the commission business in New York. The firm was Purdue & Ward. He ran for Congress on the Independent-Democratic ticket againsi Hon. G. S. Orth, and was defeated. It was in this campaign that he invested $30,000 cash in the purchase
of the Journal which he subsequently sold to Barron & Vaser, of the Courier. Of late years he has devoted his attention to his Warren County estate, the Agrictultural Works and the University, with which his name and fame are
associated in imperishable honor.
Funeral Honors to the Late Judge Purdue
An informal meeting was held at the National State Bank this morning, to make arrangement for the funeral honors to the late Judge Purdue. Present, James Spears, O.K. Weakly, Moses Fowler, Colonel Levering, M.L. Pierce, John G. Sample, Henry Taylor,
Daniel Royse, Colonel W.C. Wilson, H.W. Chase and W.S. Lingle. Mr. Coffroth was called to preside and W.S. Lingle was requested to act as Secretary. On motion it was determined that those present in Committee of the Whole, proceed in carriages to the
Hygenic Institute at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and convey the remains to the residence of James Spears, Esq, where they will lie in state from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M., to-morrow. The funeral will take place at 2:15 precisely, under the general direction
of Col. Levering, Chief Marshal, and a a committee consisiting of Messrs, Taylor, Royse, and Telferd.
. . . Col. Wilson was appointed a committee to invite the Mayor and the City Council to attend in a body. John G. Sample and W.S. Lingle were appointed a committee on floral decorations. Messrs, Fowler, Spears, and Royse were appointed a special
committee to request President White to deliver an oration. Messrs Coffroth and Stein, of the University Board, were requested to confer with M.L. Pierce and President White being the selection of the place of interment on the University Grounds. The
following named gentlemen were selected as pal-bearers: General Madson, Hon John R. Coffroth, M. Fowler, H.T. Sample, M.L. Pierce, Judge Ball, James Spears, Wm F. Reynolds, Robert Heath, T.P. Emerson, O.K. Weakly and Owen Ball. The Lafayette Guards
were requested to participate in the funeral honors. Major Wm Taylor was requested to notify them.
Rev. Mr. Dickinson, Rev. H.A. Gobin, Rev. J.W.T. Boothe, and Rev. Robert McKenzie were requested to officiate in the religious ceremonies.
Colonel Wilson, O.K. Weakley and Daniel Royse were requested to attend to the removal of the full length portrait of Mr. Purdue to the chapel of the University. President White came in and was at once interviewed by the committee touching the oration.
He gave his consent. The oration will be delivered at the grave, or if the weather is unfavorable, in the University chapel. The religious exercises at the residence of James Spears, will begin promptly at 2 P.M. with the reading of the Scriptures by
Rev. Mr. Mackenzie, and prayer by Rev. H.A. Gobin. After a hymn the procession will form under orders of the Marshal, and move to the University grounds, where a prayer will be offered by Rev. Mr. Dickinson, to be followed by Mr. White's oration. The
excercises will conclude wth a prayer and benediction at the grave, by Rev. J.W.T. Boothe. Laird's Military Band will be in attendance.
Lafayette September 13, 1876
At a meeting of the bar of Lafayette held this morning, in the Superior Court Room, Judge Ward, presiding, it was resolved to request the Judges of the Circuit and Superior Courts to adjourn over until Friday morning, in consequence of the death of
Hon. John Purdue, and on motion, a committee consisting of John A. Wilstach, John A. Stein, William C. Wilson, John R. Coffroth, Godlove O. Behm and Jay H. Adams, was appointed to draft appropriate resolutions, commemorative of his life and public
services. -- FRANCIS RISING, Secretary.
Be it resolved that as citizens of Lafayette, and as members of the Bar, we feel called upon to recognize in the death of John Purdue an event calculated to impress us all with solemn reflections upon the uncertainty of human life; to revive kind
memories of the deceased, and to inspire us with corresponding resolutions to manifest our appreciation of his many exellent qualities of head and heart.
2. That in following to their last resting-place the mortal remains of John Purdue, the people of Lafayette resign to a perennial fame, to a graceful and pleasing page of her history, one of her most public spirited citizens--the material wealth and
progress of the city takes leave of a sicnere and solicitous auxillary--and the youth of the State at large of an ardent and devoted friend.
3. That we may truthfully inscribe upon the granite which will surmount his tomb. "Here reposes, in the midst of the scenes of his ambitions and his labors, one of the successful citizens of Lafayette, the friend of industry, the patron of the Arts
and Sciences, and the munificent benefactor of education."
4. That we commend his beneficent liberality to all his surviving citizens within whose power fortune has placed the means and opportunities of similar benefactions.
5. That to his relatives and to those who were honored with his more intimate friendship it should be a subject of pride and satisfaction that so late in his life of useful effort, in the midst of the maturity of his plans, at the close of the harvest of his years,
with the public confidence and respect gathering around him, with the favorite of his declining years--the University which bears his name--advancing in the steady fulfilment of its organization and its objects, he has been summoned, even through suddenly,
by the soverign Judge of life and death.
6. That the bar of Lafayette, with the judges of the courts, will attend the funeral in a body, and that we suggest to our fellow-citizens generally, that according to their several callings and organizations, they take measures to participate in full numbers
in the obsequies of our lamented fellow-citizen.
7. That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Circuit and Superior Courts, and that a copy of the same duly certified be forwarded to the surviving relatives of the deceased.
W.C. WILSON, Committee
The Spot Selected for the Purdue Grave and Monument
The committee appointed at the meeting this morning consisting of President E.E. White, Hon. J.R. Coffroth, M.L. Pierce, and John A. Stein, to locate the exact spot of Mr. Purdue's interment, visited the grounds this forenoon and came to a conclusion--the fitness of which will
be more and more apparent as in the progress of time the plans of the Trustees of the University develope themselves. Mr. Purdue's body will be buried at a point east of the Academy building, now being errected, opposite the center of that building and about midway between that
and the fence along the east of the grounds. In the course of the coming year an eighty-foot avenue will be opened, running north and south with the double row of trees now on the grounds in its center, and a row of trees on each of its sides. From this avenue a large semi-circular
drive will sweep through the grounds, having the Academy building on its apex, and ornamental promenades will be drawn perpenticularly through the semi-circle, curving around the grave of Mr. Purdue, which in due time will be surmounted by an appropriate monument. The general effect
will be to give an eastern frontage to the buildings which form the University group, and as it approaches will be from that direction it will bring the monument into proper relief, and indicate the propriety of the location assigned for the tomb of the lamented patron of the University.
It Commences Its Third Year Under
The Most Favorable Circumstances
It is a gratifying fact that Purdue University has opened its fall term under favorable circumstances. Yesterday the doors of the University were thrown open, and under the management of President White, who has placed the institution on a sound organization, the fall term commenced. It
was virtually the opening of the institution proper, for an enrollment of over sixty students, is an indication that the present year there will be a large attendance of students. The members of the faculty were all busy with the labors that usually devolve on professors at the beginning of a college year.
The day was spent in the examinations of applicants for admission. Quite a number of the students of last year have entered, while several will spend the winter in teaching in the rural districts.
A number of the young ladies and gentlemen from the city will be in attendance. Several of the pupils of the High School have already enrolled their names. The college classes will be represented by thirty students or more, while the Preparatory Department, or Academy, will, ere the term has advanced far, number twice as many.
The Freshman Class will be the largest of the four college classes. The other years are well represented, save the Senior, there being but one member who will graduate next Commencement. It will be a day or two before the classes all get rightly at work. As for accommodations, the University is well supplied. The boarding-house,
under the efficient management and control of Captain Bar McCutcheon, will supply the wants of their appetite, and the Dormitory will furnish rooms for the accommodation of students.
The microscope ordered several months since has at length arrived in good order. It is the largest and best monocular microscope made, and came direct from London. Its cost is about eight hundred dollars. There are nine object and four eye-glasses. The instrument has a magnifying power
of from twelve to five thousand diameters. The different pieces of apparatus and appliances accompanying the instrument number over one thousand. This microsope is a valuable addition to the apparatus of the college. -- The LaFayette Daily Journal, Wednesday September 13, 1876
Thursday September 14, 1876
Floral Decorations--Impressive Excercises--The Oration by President White
The remains of the lamented John Purdue were brought from the Hygenic Institute to the residence of James Spears, Esq., yesterday afternoon, and placed in the east drawing room. A guard of honor from the students of the University, which had been detailed by President White, took charge
and watched through the night. A detail of military from the Lafayette Guards, of which Mr. Purdue was an honorary member was tendered this sad office. The casket was placed in the centre of the spacious room. A large photo of the deceased, executed by Sarony, occupied the mantel and was
appropriately draped in mourning. The vases were filled with flowers. The floral decorations by Dorner were very beautiful at the head of the casket, supported by an alabaster column, was a large crown of tube roses, lying on the casket was a combination of the cross, the anchor and the heart,
representing faith, hope and charity. A monument, with pedestal and column, also a large cross, all in rare white flowers from Dorner's garden and private conservatories completed the decorations at the house. The condition of the remains did not warrant the full programme of exercises as
contemplated yester-day, and at 2 o'clock precisely, the funeral cortege, with Laird's military band, the Lafayette Guards, and citizens in carriages, moved to the Purdue University, where the last sad honors to one whose name is honorably associated with the institution, were paid. Three sisters
and a number of nephews and nieces were present--sincere mourners at the grave of one who, in the full tide of prosperity, had ever been mindful of them, and in generous deeds, which spoke louder than words, had attested his unselfish and devoted tenderness. The students, many of whom had never seen
him--save on that last day of his life when he came to mingle his congratulations with theirs on the auspicious opening of the University--stood nigh the grave this afternoon and gave the silent tribute of unbidden tears to one who had been to them a benefactor and a friend. They realized all this
and more, for in the able and elegant oration of President White the inner life and philanthropic purpose of the dead patron had been revealed. President White was equal to the occasion. It was no over drawn eulogy, but a diplomatic and just tribute to the noble motives of a mrerchant prince,
whose generous deed perpetuated in the University which bears his name, and is his fittest monument, had reversed the popular verdict of the world that as wealth expands the heart contracts. The remaning exercises were simple and impressive.
Friday September 15, 1876
Last Sad Honors to Purdue benefactor--Buried at Sunset
There is but little to add to the Courier's full account of the last sad honors to John Purdue. Colonel Levering had entire charge and vindicated the wisdom of the Citizens' Committee in his selection, by the general perfection of the arrangements. It was a fit tribute to a public
benefactor that the city authorities, including the Mayor, members of the Council, Treasurer, Clerk, Marshal and police should unite with the Judges and members of the bar in a body to pay distinguished honor to the dead citizen.
. . . The cortege was made by Professor White, the professors and students, who followed the remains to the chapel which had been draped in mourning. A platform hung with black and decorated with flowers had been prepared for the casket.
Professor Ruggles furnished the music, his choir consisting of Miss Mary Bruce, Miss Julia Bruce, Miss Clara Thoanburgh, Mrs. Charles A. Reynolds, Professor Ruggles, Dr. John S. Wood, Charles Groenendyke and Albert Smith.
Reverends Dickinson, Gobin, Boothe and Mackenzie, occupied the platform and conducted the religious exercises. The three sisters of the deceased with their husbands and other relatives of Mr. Purdue, sat immediately in front. Some of the family are of the Dunkard faith, and in accordance
with their mode of worship, sat with their hats on during the President Whites remarks, which were as follows:
I am called to an unusual duty under the pressure of an hundred other duties demanding attention. I consented to find the place assigned me on the assurance of the committee that only a few remarks would be expected. My poor words can add but litttle interest to this solemn occasion.
The Spanish have a proverb that "silence is gold and speech is silver," but there is no silence so golden as the silence of death. This occasion is itself eloquence. The form before us speaks for me to-day. This scene will be remembered, whatever may be true of my words, and this gives me courage.
What I say will soon pass from memory, but this audience will never forget what he did.
The deceased was born near Shepardsburg, Pennsylvania, October 31, 1802, and hence lived more than the alloted time of three-score and ten. He removed at an early age to Ohio where he began life as a humble teacher, and no where did he fail to leave the impress of his character on his scholars.
An honored citizen of your city who was his pupil and has been a life long friend bears testimony to the fact that his early teaching was characterized by a great interest in his pupils and his great desire was to impress truthfulness upon them. He entered into business and soon after purchesed
a farm which he sold at an advance. Having realized sufficient money he removed to your city in 1839 and commenced business. For thirty-seven years he has gone in and out before you. His life work has been done here, and no words of mine are needed to attest his fidelity and success. His business
enterprises have largely contributed to the propsperity of your city.
It may be proper to add that his commission business in New York City realized him a most ample fortune. But the life of the deceased was not devoted to the amassing of wealth for simply selfish ends. He used his wealth in a large-hearted manner, and churches and schools and every other agency for
the good of the community, received his support. The public men of Lafayette meet to-day to honor one who has done as much as any other for the permanent good of society. In the last few years of Mr. Purdue's long life there have been conflicts, and I can not be misunderstood when I say, that whatever
has disturbed the serenity of his old age has been the result of a breaking down of his mental powers. If in the future it should turn out that his later business ventures were not judicious, it will be attributed to the infirmity of age. His errors in business were, in my judgment, largely due to the
failure of the brain to do its part. In the five months of my acquaintance with him, I have wondered that he attempted to do business; that he did not blow off all business cares, and live in peace, but his early habits of active industry urged him forward in every duty.
The long life of the deceased was filled with beneficent activity, and his business enterprise will long be told in Lafaytette, but the one act that crowned that life and makes the name of John Purdue immortal, was his munificent donation to this University. That one act will never fade out; it will live
and grow birghter as years pass, and generations to come will rise up and call him blessed. In looking over biographies of the noble patrons of learning, the fact is noticeable that their great acts of benevolence are remembered, while all their other acts have been forgotten. John Harvard, the
non-conformist, after a short life of thirty years accumulated a competency and left about four thousand dollars to found a school at Cambridge, Massachusetts. All his other acts in life have faded and been forgotten, and this one act alone is remembered, and Harvard's name will never fade out of the memory
of the American people. As long as that institution does its beneficent work every student within its walls will cherish his memory. So it was with Elihu Yale, who was the chief patron and founder of Yale College and as long as Yale Colege does its grand work that name will never fade. Ephriam Brown, who
founded Brown University, and others who have given out of their means to found institutions of learning have by their donations made their names immortal.
So I might also refer to George Peabody, that noble philanthropist, whose five great donations have filled two continents with his praise. His remains were brought from a foreign shore in a man-o-war, sent specially to convey them to this country. He began, as the deceased did, a poor boy, but soon amassed wealth,
and in his lifetime distributed that wealth that he might know that it was properly done. As long as Peabody Intstitute at Baltimore, and institutions elsewhere erected through his munificence shall stand, the American people will cherish his name and bless his memory.
I may also mention the name of Cornell, as well as that of Commodore Vanderbilt, who has recently founded a great institution in the South. His management of the New York Central Railway will soon pass out of memory, but Vanderbilt University is the monument that will ever perpetuate his name. The gift of our friend
of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to aid in the establishment of this institution will make the name of John Purdue live just as long as learning lives and this people keep their civilization. The lesson taught by this fact is that those similarly blessed with wealth will do well to imitate Judge Purdue's noble
example, instead of leaving their possessions to spoil their children or to be lost in conflict. Means were never taken out of a private fortune for the good of others, without blessing the giver as well as the receiver.
It is believed that Judge Purdue's gift to assist in founding the University that bears his name, was the chief joy of his declining years and the one satisfaction that kept him serene in the last struggles of his life. He voluntarily gave the Board of Trustees a mortgage on his Warren county farm and whereby he made
his donation to this institution secure, he felt that the great achievent of his life could not be subverted by whatever might come. There is no blessing that brings such satisfaction in one's life as that of doing good to others, and no one does such an act without receiving his reward, and so it was with our friend
in doing what he did so as to give to the young a better education than he had received himself.
In his autobiography John Stuart Mill says that he early accepted the teaching of Bentham and made happiness the chief end of life, but failed to find it. After a vast disappointment he concluded to seek some other end as the good of others, and the elevation of mankind, notice he found happines by the way. Thus a great
gift was a two-fold good in the life of our friend. This institution will be a perpetual monument to his memory, while it was the joy of his life. On the morning of his death he visited the institution, with a good word for all whom he met. There was a joy in his heart and he expressed a desire to a student to be young
again and come here to study, adding that if he could do this they would find him a hard working student.
Here apparently is the end of efort but is this life ended? Is the being who has blessed this institution gone out of existence? The question of Job "If a man die shall he live again?" has been asked by every thoughtful person when he stands in the prescence of death and the question has but one answer. If a man die he shall
live again, but what of that life? No matter how wisely we may act with reference to this life, the supreme concern is the life to come. The great question is: What may we do here that shall prepare us for the life beyond? These buildings shall crumble to dust, the very gorund on which we stand may be a wilderness and the owls
hoot in the branches above this place, but every truth and good impulse given here will never die, but live forever in the hearts of the students here instructed. The work of our departed friend is not limited to time, but shall live on forever. We may engrave upon brass and rear temples, but they will crumble into dust, but he
who writes upon the tablet of a human soul does that which no time can efface--which will grow bighter throughout the age of eternity.
But I must not detain you, and I close with a single word. It is hoped that the Bible which our departed friend loved in his early years and carried into the common school remained the guide of his life. So may it be with us, and may we so live that when friends stand by our silent form they shall be cheered with the hope that
our life is not ended but glorified.
This of course, is not a verbatim report, but embraces all the main points.
On the conclusion of President White's remarks, which commanded the absorbed attention of an audience composed largely of the best intellectual culture of Lafayette, Colonel Levering announced that the remains of the honored dead would be left in the hands of his friends. The burial took place at sunset.
Judge Purdue's Mental Condition
Incidentally, the other day, and in perfect propriety, we alluded to the mental depression of Mr. Purdue growing out of financial complications with the Muncie road. It was a matter of common notoriety and has been on everybody's lips for months. President White, in a close and critical analysis of the life and personal history
of the deceased, did the same thing. He could no more ignore it than he could ignore any other fact touching the characteristics of Judge Purdue. It was a part of the personal history of the man and involving, as Mr. Purdue had apprehended, his entire fortune, had evidently preyed upon and, to some extent, shattered his faculties.
Our reference to the matter was purely incidental, sympathetic, and we may say, delicate and considerate, yet the Journal goes far out of the way to torture it into "a malicious stab at the L.M. & B. Road," and attacks us with a brutal paragraph. To all this we are profoundly indifferent. We had no idea of stepping on
anybody's toes, but subsequent developments may show that the Journal, or rather the ring for which it is a weak apologist, have reason to be very sensitive upon this subject. We shall see what we shall see. Meanwhile, the Courier reiterates with emphasis all that the paragraph in question legitimately implies.
Mr. Purdue's mental condition has been for some time a subject of serious solicitude to his friends--the more that with all his life long and abundant caution he had become personally liable for an immense sum of money. When some weeks since he was asked how much he had become liable for he answered with the simplicity of a child
"I don't know. I signed everything they brought me." A few weeks since, as we learn from Rev. Mr. Boothe, he got into a carriage and asked to be driven to the Agricultural Works. The driver started down Third street in that direction, when Mr. Purdue peremptorily ordered him to drive to "the corner of Eleventh street."
"The works are there," said he, and he was so possessed of the hallucination that it was not until he had been taken to Eleventh street that he would consent to be taken in the proper direction. All this is very deplorable, but it is true, and touching the point of his capacity to transact business to the reckless jeopardy of his
private fortune is a matter of public concern.
Response of the LaFayette Daily Journal
September 15, 1876
Mr. Purdue and the LaFayette, Muncie & Bloomington Railroad
The Courier paves the way for a little plain speaking; and, in fact, leaves us no other alternative. It is not necessary to enlarge upon a subject so well understood in this community. Suffice it to say, the Courier, "or rather the ring, for which it is a weak apologist," are very deeply concerned in the destruction
of the Muncie Railroad enterprise, and the breaking down of the credit of those gentlemen who are holding it up. The reasons for this are well understood. Having failed in every other direction, the sudden death of Mr. Purdue opened up a new avenue to possible success, and before his remains were cold they were plotting to secure the
manipulation of his estate, counting confidently upon being able to persuade his legal representatives that the best way to get his eggs out of the basket in which he had placed them, would be to smash eggs-basket and all. "This is all very deplorable, but it is true."
As to Mr. Purdue's business connection with the LaFayette, Muncie & Bloomington Railroad we know nothing. It is none of our business, nor yet of the editor of the Courier. But we do know that his sympathy with the policy of the present management was of no recent growth. Judge Purdue was the first man to point out the intended bad faith,
which lurked behind the proposition to give the "Short Line" the use of the track to Templeton for nothing. To his keen business mind the whole scheme which has since been developed was at once apparent and he vehemently opposed it on the spot; nor was that lease effected until he had been kicked off the board at the ensuing election. From that time
forward his earnest sympathy has been with every effort to reclaim the LaFayette, Muncie & Bloomington enterprise, and undo the mischief which was done by the old management. And if it should indeed prove--as is not likely--that he had gone too far, and imperiled his whole private fortune that the enterprise might not fail, the fact would
impose upon a swindled community a debt of gratitude greater than even that generous act which has linked his name to immortality in the endowment of the college which bears his name.
We trust the Courier will have sufficient decency to desist from further violation of the sanctity of the tomb.
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