Doctor William A. Line

Doctor William A. Line with his fourth wife, Amanda Jane Wininger

Mrytle Powell Case (age 17), Lulu Powell (age 14), Bessie Powell Dickson (age 19)
Sarah Jones, John Jones
Knoffel Line
Florence Jones Powell Line, Doctor William A. Line
William A. Line, M.D., was born January 12, 1844, and is a son of John and Phoebe (Pierson) Line,
who were natives of Tennessee and Indiana, respectively. The father's parents came from England and
settled in Tennessee. Our subject's father made his home in Orange County, Ind., where he died in 1854.
He was a colonel in the State militia, and county surveyor of Orange County, and filled several other minor
offices. His wife still resides on the old farm in Orange County and is a member of the Baptist Church. Our subject was educated
by his parents and remained with them until his marriage. At the age of eighteen he began the study of medicine
with Drs. Schoonover and Ellis of Hardinsburg, Ind. About two years after he entered the medical college of Louisville, Ky.,
where he remained one term. Returning home he was united in marriage to Margaret Ellis, December, 1864. To them were born two children:
John C. and William M. For his second wife he took Mrs. Mary (Radcliffe) Young, and to their union three children were born: Mary, Francis, and August.
His wife dying January 1, 1881, he married Jennie Wininger, August 8, 1881. Dr. Line began practicing medicine in the town of Hillham in 1865, where he remained
until 1883. Since then he has given up his profession to some extent and is now running a general store, and is doing a thriving business. He
own 200 acres of land, well improved. The Doctor is a Democrat in politics, and is one of the central committee of Dubois County, and he is well
and favorably known in his neighborhood. His present wife belongs to the Baptist Church.
-- From "History of Dubois County, Indiana" 1885, page 767
In 1867, Dr. William A. Line put in a small stock of drugs, and he has from time to time enlarged his business, until he now does the leading business in dry goods,
groceries and general merchandising. He also practices medicine, and was the first physician in the place where he located in 1865. . . The postoffice was established
in 1860, and the following persons have been postmasters: Solomon W. Williams, William A. Line, J.B. Freeman, John N. Howe, James Braden, J.S. Blackman and C.W. Newland.
From the number of physicians that have occupied it one would think the office in bad health.
--From "History of Dubois County, Indiana" 1885, page 565
Dr. W.A. Line was born January 12th, 1844 and died January 9th, 1928. Age 83 years, 11 months and 27 days. W.A. Line was married five times and to those unions were born
twelve children. Seven preceded him and five survive with a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. He united with the Baptist church near middle life and remained
faithful unto God until death. He came to Dubois County, A.D. 1965 and settled in Hillham and was apprentice under Dr. Bowles at French Lick Springs, Indiana. He was born near
at Valeene, Indiana near Rock Springs. He was a practical doctor for 65 years and had real success in all his practice. He will be greatly missed by the people of the vicinity
of his practical service. He was a loving father to his family and was everything to them and there is a vacancy now that cannot be filled. He bore all his sickness with
christian patience. He was an invalid about three years. He was brought as a lamb to slaughter and as a sheep before his shears is dumb so he opened not his mouth. Faith, hope
and charity, the greatest of these is charity and he always was charitable. Funeral services were held at the home of the doctor by Rev. M.D. Emmons. Text on the state of the
dead resurrection there from and the future repentance of the saints. Sadly missed by Mrs. Line and children.
--Transcribed by Tom Agan from "Springs Valley Herald" January 12, 1928
The Doctors wives were as follows:
1. Margaret C. Ellis married the Doctor on 12-31-1863 at Orange County.
Margaret filed for divorce in June of 1874 at Dubois County, citing the Doctors
affair with Mary Young as grounds.
2. Mary A. (Radcliff) Young married the Doctor on 6-21-1874 at Dubois County.
Mary died on January 1, 1881, eight days after giving birth to her last child.
Mary was first married to Allen Young
3. Jenny Wininger (Daughter of Samuel Wininger & Angeline J. Qualkinbush) married the Doctor
on 8-8-1881 at Dubois County.
Jenny filed for divorce in January of 1886 at Dubois County, citing the Doctors
affair with Manda Wininger as grounds.
4. Amanda Jane Wininger (Daughter of Lewis M. Wininger & Susannah Phillips) married the
Doctor on 2-6-1887 at Orange County.
5. Florence (Jones) Powell (Daughter of John Jones & Sarah Neal) was married to the Doctor on
November 21, 1907 at Martin County. Florence was first married to William Powell